
[Toward God | Toward the World | Toward the Next Generation]

Toward God

God’s unfolding redemption story is the overarching story of our lives and all of history. It is the story of God’s redeeming love and grace whereby the climax is seen in Jesus Christ and His death and resurrection. By God’s free grace, when our hearts are gripped to turn towards Him in Christ, not only are our lives transformed and changed, but all of life’s purpose and meaning are found. In everything we do, we seek and desire to glorify God and make His glory known.

Toward the World 

As we look toward God, we begin to see the world differently. It is the world that He created, and it is the world that He is restoring. Through the saving grace of Jesus, we are not only saved but also sent out. In this, as we seek and desire God’s glory, we also are enabled by His Spirit to go tell and show the world God’s redeeming love in Jesus Christ. As we have come to know God in Jesus Christ, we seek to make Him known here in Orlando and to the ends of the world.

Toward the Next Generation 

As the promise of God’s great love and redemption is made evident and accomplished in Jesus Christ, we long to share this story of God’s redeeming love to the next generations. The story of God’s redeeming love in Jesus Christ has been unfolding since the beginning and is the epicenter for all eternity. It is this promise of God’s redemption in Jesus Christ that is not merely made to us alone but to all generations and peoples who turn to the Lord Jesus Christ!